Friday, March 10, 2006


Last night I watched a 1983 movie that I had already seen twice before. "The day after."
Nothing great about that movie today but the first time I saw it was in the Reagan 80s and I still had the childhood memories of "Atomic War" emergency drills in school. I went to Catholic schools from 1962 to 1975. So it was a Franciscan nun at the front of the class saying - "Now boys and girls you all need to put you heads down on the desk tops..."

I guess the government couldn't come out and have them tell a bunch of 8 year olds to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye cause if someone pressed"THE" button we are all fucked.

When I first started traveling to Europe the Wall was still up. Brits, French and Germans all had the same sentiment about the US government's military strategy of keeping some of our NUKES in Europe. See, those nukes could hit the Soviets before the Soviet NUKES could reach North America. So, if there was a conflict with NUKES things would start out in Europe so we would have enough warning to launch our stuff...

You know, we still have those missles sitting in their holes in North America. I guess most are aimed at China. I wonder what the other targets are?


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